Writing With Light

Here is a photography experiment that you can try this weekend! I did this experiment last summer and I am really happy with how it turned out. You can do anything from drawing cool designs to writing a message.


What You’ll Need:

  • Camera that has the ability to change the exposure time, I used a Canon Rebel T3
  • Flashlight (or other light source)
  • Tripod

How To Do It Yourself:

For this project, you need it to be as dark as possible. I would suggest going out to a field in the country somewhere away form all of the city lights. I took these photos at my cottage. The set up is pretty straight forward and is easiest if you have someone to help you out taking the photos. Place the camera on a tripod and switch it to a long exposure. If you can find someone to help you with this experiment, you can put the exposure setting on BULB. This will allow the shutter to stay open as long as someone holds the trigger down which lets you to take your time writing a message. Just keep in mind that the longer the exposure is, the brighter the surroundings will be.

To take a photo, simply stand in front of the camera with a flashlight and while someone holds down the trigger, begin creating a design with the flashlight. A light trail will be left where ever the illuminated flashlight goes.

To create words, you have to write the letters backwards and turn the flashlight off between letters to create spaces.

504 1622 1616 1625This is a really fun project to do on a warm summers night. You can even do it with a group of friends and experiment by including people in the photo! To capture people in the photo, you need to have some sort of light source illuminating them. Because the exposure is so long, you will only show up in the photo if you stay still for a few seconds; this allows you to capture people multiple times in one photo.




Like always, if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below; and if you decide to try this project yourself, I would love to hear how it turned out!